Some of my earliest childhood memories were in the kitchen. Helping mom decorate cookies, knead dough, set the table. Watching her cook. Sometimes even cooking for my imaginary friends in my play kitchen.
I’ve been a waitress on a few occasions, worked at a ’50s-style ice cream shop where I had a blast making beautiful banana splits and root beer floats, helped mom set and bus tables and prep food for her catering ventures, fallen asleep curled up in the booths at restaurants my uncles and grandpa owned various times while growing up, and had a stint as a vegan baker selling my donuts and cookies at local coffee shops and online via Etsy.
While I spend a lot of time writing and editing to run my business, Word Charmers, I haven’t been writing creatively as much. Since I do spend downtime cooking, baking and posting photos online I’ve decided to begin writing about my food adventures here. Welcome!